

Delete Query

Documentation for deleteQuery

The deleteQuery function is a utility to generate a MySQL DELETE query based on the provided parameters. It supports advanced features such as joins, sorting, and limiting rows, ensuring developers can build dynamic queries with ease.

import {deleteQuery} from "agile-query"

Function Definition

function deleteQuery<Tables extends string[]>({
}: DeleteQueryParams<Tables>): string;


Parameter Type Description Required
table string The name of the table from which rows will be deleted.
where string The condition to filter rows for deletion (WHERE clause).
joins JoinsType Array of JOIN clauses to include other tables in the deletion logic.
limit string | number The maximum number of rows to delete.
sort Record<string, 1 | -1> | string Specifies the sorting order of rows (ORDER BY clause). Use 1 for ascending and -1 for descending.


Property Type Description
type 'JOIN' | 'INNER JOIN' | 'OUTER JOIN' | 'CROSS JOIN' | 'RIGHT JOIN' | 'LEFT JOIN' Type of JOIN to perform.
operator string The comparison operator for the join condition. Default is =.
[key] string Keys represent table and column names for joining conditions. Example: { customer: 'customer_id', order: 'customer_id' }

Return Value

  • Type: string
  • Description: A fully-formed MySQL DELETE query string.

Example Usage

const query = deleteQuery<['user', 'order', 'customer']>({
    table: 'orders',                         // Name of the table to delete rows from
    where: 'status = "pending"',             // Condition for deleting rows (WHERE clause)
    sort: {
        order_date: -1                       // Sort by `order_date` in descending order
    limit: 10,                               // Limit the delete operation to 10 rows
    joins: [                                 // JOIN operations to filter rows for deletion
            type: 'INNER JOIN',              // INNER JOIN with another table
            operator: '=',                   // Comparison operator (default is '=')
            customer: 'customer_id',         // Primary table and column
            order: 'customer_id',            // Foreign table and column (foreign key)



DELETE orders FROM orders INNER JOIN customer ON customer.customer_id = order.customer_id WHERE status = "pending" ORDER BY order_date DESC LIMIT 10;

Detailed Breakdown

  1. table: Specifies the orders table as the main target for the delete operation.

  2. where: Filters rows to delete where status = "pending".

  3. sort: Orders rows by order_date in descending order (ORDER BY order_date DESC).

    • Example:
      • { name: 1 } (sort by name in ascending order)
      • { users: { age: -1 } } (sort age in descending order for the users table)
  4. limit: Limits the deletion to the first 10 rows (LIMIT 10).

  5. joins:

    • Adds an INNER JOIN between the orders table and the customer table.
    • Joins on the condition customer.customer_id = order.customer_id.

when use on relation then use table parameter or user column name.

        { type: 'INNER JOIN', table: 'customers', on: 'orders.customer_id =' },
        { type: 'LEFT JOIN', table: 'payments', on: ' = payments.order_id' }
   joins: [                                 // JOIN operations to filter rows for deletion
           type: 'INNER JOIN',
           operator: '=', // DEFAULT '='
           customer: 'customer_id', // First table name is primary table 
           order: 'customer_id', // Second table name with column name is foreign table and foreign key

Error Handling

  • Throws an error if:
    1. table is not provided:

      ⚠️ The `table` parameter is required.
    2. where is not provided:

      ⚠️ The `where` parameter is required.


  • Use the joins property to ensure proper filtering when multiple tables are involved in the delete operation.
  • The sort parameter accepts both simple string columns and a detailed object for multi-column sorting.

JoinsType (for joins parameter)

The joins parameter accepts an array of objects, where each object defines a join between the main table (specified by table) and another table. Each object can have the following structure:

  1. type ('JOIN' | 'INNER JOIN' | 'OUTER JOIN' | 'CROSS JOIN' | 'RIGHT JOIN' | 'LEFT JOIN', optional)

    • Description: The type of join. It can be any standard SQL join type:
      • 'INNER JOIN': Selects records that have matching values in both tables.
      • 'LEFT JOIN': Selects all records from the left table, and the matched records from the right table.
      • 'RIGHT JOIN': Selects all records from the right table, and the matched records from the left table.
      • 'CROSS JOIN': Returns the Cartesian product of the two tables.
      • 'OUTER JOIN': A more generic term often used for LEFT OUTER JOIN or RIGHT OUTER JOIN.
    • Example: 'INNER JOIN'
  2. table (string, optional)

    • Description: The name of the table to join with.
    • Required: Yes, when a type is provided.
    • Example: 'customers'
  3. on (string, optional)

    • Description: The condition for the join, specifying how the two tables should be related.
    • Required: Yes, when a type is provided.
    • Example: 'orders.customer_id ='

Example of Full deleteQuery Call with Parameter Descriptions

const query = deleteQuery({
    table: 'orders',                         // Name of the table to delete rows from
    where: 'status = "pending"',             // Condition for deleting rows (WHERE clause)
    sort: { order_date: -1 },                // Sort by `order_date` in descending order
    limit: 10,                               // Limit the delete operation to 10 rows
    joins: [                                 // JOIN operations to filter rows for deletion
        { type: 'INNER JOIN', table: 'customers', on: 'orders.customer_id =' }
// Output: DELETE orders FROM orders INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = WHERE status = "pending" ORDER BY order_date DESC LIMIT 10;

Error Handling for Missing Parameters

  • If the table or where parameters are not provided, the function will throw an error.
    • Example:
        table: '',          // Missing table name
        where: 'age > 60'   // Valid condition
    }); // Error: "The `table` parameter is required."

1. Simple DELETE with WHERE Condition

Delete rows from the employees table where the age is greater than 60:

const query = deleteQuery({
    table: 'employees',
    where: 'age > 60',
    limit: 10
// Output: DELETE employees FROM employees WHERE age > 60 LIMIT 10;


Delete rows from the orders table where the status is "pending", and join with the customers table to add conditions based on customer data:

const query = deleteQuery({
    table: 'orders',
    where: 'status = "pending"',
    joins: [
        { type: 'INNER JOIN', table: 'customers', on: 'orders.customer_id =' }
// Output: DELETE orders FROM orders INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = WHERE status = "pending";


Delete rows from the products table where the price is lower than 100, while joining with the categories table using a LEFT JOIN:

const query = deleteQuery({
    table: 'products',
    where: 'price < 100',
    joins: [
        { type: 'LEFT JOIN', table: 'categories', on: 'products.category_id =' }
// Output: DELETE products FROM products LEFT JOIN categories ON products.category_id = WHERE price < 100;

4. DELETE with Sorting

Delete rows from the orders table where the status is "shipped", and sort the rows by order_date in descending order:

const query = deleteQuery({
    table: 'orders',
    where: 'status = "shipped"',
    sort: { order_date: -1 }
// Output: DELETE orders FROM orders WHERE status = "shipped" ORDER BY order_date DESC;
const query = deleteQuery<['user', 'order', 'customer']>({
    table: 'orders',                         // Name of the table to delete rows from
    where: 'status = "pending"',             // Condition for deleting rows (WHERE clause)
    sort: {
        order: {
            order_date: -1
    },                // Sort by `order_date` in descending order
    limit: 10,                               // Limit the delete operation to 10 rows
    joins: [                                 // JOIN operations to filter rows for deletion
            type: 'INNER JOIN',
            operator: '=', // DEFAULT '='
            customer: 'customer_id', // First table name is primary table 
            order: 'customer_id', // Second table name with column name is foreign table and foreign key


//DELETE orders FROM orders INNER JOIN order ON customer.customer_id = order.customer_id WHERE status = "pending" ORDER BY order.order_date DESC LIMIT 10


Delete only 5 rows from the products table where the stock is 0:

const query = deleteQuery({
    table: 'products',
    where: 'stock = 0',
    limit: 5
// Output: DELETE products FROM products WHERE stock = 0 LIMIT 5;

6. DELETE with Multiple Joins

Delete rows from the orders table where the status is "pending", and join with both customers and products tables:

const query = deleteQuery({
    table: 'orders',
    where: 'status = "pending"',
    joins: [
        { type: 'INNER JOIN', table: 'customers', on: 'orders.customer_id =' },
        { type: 'LEFT JOIN', table: 'products', on: 'orders.product_id =' }
// Output: DELETE orders FROM orders INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = LEFT JOIN products ON orders.product_id = WHERE status = "pending";

7. DELETE with WHERE, Sorting, and LIMIT

Delete rows from the employees table where the position is "Intern", sort by hire_date ascending, and limit to 10 rows:

const query = deleteQuery({
    table: 'employees',
    where: 'position = "Intern"',
    sort: { hire_date: 1 },
    limit: 10
// Output: DELETE employees FROM employees WHERE position = "Intern" ORDER BY hire_date ASC LIMIT 10;

8. DELETE with WHERE and Complex Join

Delete rows from the employees table where the salary is greater than 50000, and join with departments and projects tables:

const query = deleteQuery({
    table: 'employees',
    where: 'salary > 50000',
    joins: [
        { type: 'INNER JOIN', table: 'departments', on: 'employees.department_id =' },
        { type: 'LEFT JOIN', table: 'projects', on: 'employees.project_id =' }
// Output: DELETE employees FROM employees INNER JOIN departments ON employees.department_id = LEFT JOIN projects ON employees.project_id = WHERE salary > 50000;


Delete rows from the orders table where the status is "cancelled", and use a RIGHT JOIN with the payments table to identify orders with no payment:

const query = deleteQuery({
    table: 'orders',
    where: 'status = "cancelled"',
    joins: [
        { type: 'RIGHT JOIN', table: 'payments', on: ' = payments.order_id' }
// Output: DELETE orders FROM orders RIGHT JOIN payments ON = payments.order_id WHERE status = "cancelled";

10. DELETE with Multiple Sorting Criteria

Delete rows from the products table where stock is less than 10, and sort by price in ascending order and name in descending order:

const query = deleteQuery({
    table: 'products',
    where: 'stock < 10',
    sort: { price: 1, name: -1 }
// Output: DELETE products FROM products WHERE stock < 10 ORDER BY price ASC, name DESC;