



  • Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine. You can check if it's installed by running:

    node -v

    If it's not installed, download it from

  • npm: npm (Node Package Manager) is bundled with Node.js. You can check if it's installed by running:

    npm -v

Step 1: Install AgileQuery

To install AgileQuery in your project, simply run the following command in your project directory:

npm install agile-query

Alternatively, you can use Yarn for installation:

yarn add agile-query

This will add AgileQuery to your node_modules and update your package.json accordingly.

Documentation for Developers

1. Importing the Library

After installing AgileQuery, you can import and use it in your JavaScript or TypeScript project:

For JavaScript

const agileQuery = require('agile-query');

For TypeScript

import agileQuery from 'agile-query';

2. Basic Usage Example:

const agileQuery = require('agile-query');

// Example usage for building a SELECT query
const query = agileQuery.selectSQL({
  table: 'orders',
  columns: ['order_id', 'status', 'customer_id'],
  where: 'status = "shipped"',
  sort: { order_date: -1 },
  limitSkip: { limit: 10, skip: 0 },
  aggregates: [
    { COUNT: 'order_id' },
    { SUM: 'total_amount' },
    { AVG: 'rating', alias: 'average_rating' }


This would generate the following query:

SELECT order_id, status, customer_id, COUNT(order_id), SUM(total_amount), AVG(rating) AS average_rating
FROM orders
WHERE status = "shipped"
ORDER BY order_date DESC

3. Function Breakdown


This is the main function in AgileQuery for generating SQL queries. It supports a wide range of SQL features.

  • config: An object containing the following properties:
    • distinct: (boolean) Whether to apply DISTINCT to the query.
    • table: (string) The name of the table from which to select data.
    • columns: (array or object) An array of column names or an object with tables as keys and columns as values.
    • sort: (object) An object for sorting. Example: { column_name: 1 } for ascending, -1 for descending.
    • limitSkip: (object) An object for pagination. Example: { limit: 10, skip: 0 }.
    • where: (string) The WHERE clause condition.
    • having: (string) The HAVING clause, for filtering on aggregates.
    • subQueries: (array) Array of subqueries to include in the select columns.
    • joins: (array) An array of JOIN clauses to link other tables.
    • recursiveCTE: (string) Recursive CTE (Common Table Expression) for hierarchical data.
  • A string containing the generated SQL query.
const query = agileQuery.selectSQL({
  table: 'orders',
  columns: ['order_id', 'total_amount'],
  where: 'status = "shipped"',
  sort: { order_date: -1 },
  limitSkip: { limit: 5, skip: 0 },
  aggregates: [
    { COUNT: 'order_id' },
    { SUM: 'total_amount' }
  joins: [
    { type: 'INNER JOIN', table: 'customers', on: 'orders.customer_id =' }


The output would be:

SELECT order_id, total_amount, COUNT(order_id), SUM(total_amount)
FROM orders
INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id =
WHERE status = "shipped"
ORDER BY order_date DESC

4. Query Execution Example

You can use AgileQuery in combination with mysql2 or any other MySQL client to execute the generated query.

Example using mysql2

First, install mysql2 if you haven’t already:

npm install mysql2

Then, you can execute the query:

const mysql = require('mysql2');
const agileQuery = require('agile-query');

// Create a MySQL connection
const connection = mysql.createConnection({
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'root',
  password: 'password',
  database: 'my_database'

// Generate a SELECT query
const query = agileQuery.buildMySQLQuery({
  table: 'orders',
  columns: ['order_id', 'status'],
  where: 'status = "shipped"',
  sort: { order_date: -1 }

// Execute the query
connection.execute(query, (err, results) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error('Error executing query', err);
  } else {
    console.log('Query results:', results);


This will execute the generated query against your MySQL database and log the results.

5. Advanced Features:

Join Queries

You can easily add various types of joins:

const query = agileQuery.selectSQL({
  table: 'orders',
  columns: ['order_id', 'status'],
  joins: [
    { type: 'INNER JOIN', table: 'customers', on: 'orders.customer_id =' },
    { type: 'LEFT JOIN', table: 'products', on: 'orders.product_id =' }
  where: 'status = "shipped"'


This generates:

SELECT order_id, status
FROM orders
INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id =
LEFT JOIN products ON orders.product_id =
WHERE status = "shipped";


Use aggregate functions such as COUNT, SUM, AVG, etc.

const query = agileQuery.selectSQL({
  table: 'orders',
  aggregates: [
    { COUNT: 'order_id' },
    { SUM: 'total_amount' },
    { AVG: 'rating' }
  where: 'status = "shipped"'


This generates:

SELECT COUNT(order_id), SUM(total_amount), AVG(rating)
FROM orders
WHERE status = "shipped";


If you’d like to contribute to AgileQuery, feel free to fork the repository, make changes, and submit a pull request. We welcome improvements and bug fixes


AgileQuery is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

With this installation guide and documentation, developers can easily integrate AgileQuery into their projects and leverage its powerful query-building capabilities for MySQL databases.