Include Condition Generate

Include Conditions


The includeConditions module provides functions for processing and generating SQL-like include conditions. These conditions enable filtering based on the presence or absence of certain values in specified fields, with support for logical operators like $or and $and.



Defines the structure of the $include condition object, specifying field names mapped to arrays of values.

  • Fields: Field names mapped to arrays of values (strings, numbers, or any).


Defines the structure of include conditions, including both positive ($include) and negative ($not_include) conditions.

  • $not_include: Specifies negative include conditions.
  • $include: Specifies positive include conditions.



Processes include conditions recursively and generates a string representation.

  • Parameters:
    • conditions: The include condition object.
    • operatorKeyword: The keyword to be used before the condition (e.g., NOT).
    • subOperator: The sub-operator to be used between multiple conditions (e.g., AND, OR).
  • Returns: The generated include conditions as a string.


Generates SQL-like include conditions based on the provided input.

  • Parameters:
    • condition: The includeType object containing conditions.
    • subOperator (optional): The sub-operator to be used between multiple conditions.
  • Returns: The generated include conditions as a string.


Example usage of the includeConditions module:

import { includeConditions } from "mysql-query-geniex";;

const condition = {
    "$include": {
        "$or": {
            field1: ['value1', 'value2'],
            field2: [1, 2, 3]
        "$and": {
            field3: ['value3', 'value4']
    "$not_include": {
        field4: ['value5'],
        "$or": {
            field5: ['value6', 'value7']

const sqlIncludeConditions = includeConditions(condition);

This will output the SQL-like include conditions string based on the provided conditions.

This documentation provides a comprehensive explanation of the module's interfaces, functions, and their usage, enabling users to effectively utilize the includeConditions module.

Between Condition GeneratePattern Condition Generate