Simple Operation Generate

Simple Operation Conditions


The simpleOperationConditions module provides functions for processing and converting simple operation conditions in SQL queries. These conditions include basic comparison operations such as equality, inequality, greater than, less than, etc.



Represents the structure of simple operation conditions.

  • =: Equals
  • >: Greater than
  • <: Less than
  • >=: Greater than or equal to
  • <=: Less than or equal to
  • !=: Not equal to


Defines a simple operation condition for a specific field.

  • Field Name: The name of the field to apply the condition to.
  • Value: Can be a single simple operation or an array of simple operations.


Extends simpleOperation to include logical operators ($and and $or) for combining multiple conditions.

  • $and: Specifies conditions that must all be true.
  • $or: Specifies conditions where at least one must be true.



Processes simple operation conditions into SQL format.

  • Parameters:
    • conditions: The conditions to process.
    • subOperator: The sub-operator to use when combining multiple conditions.
    • type: The type of condition (e.g., $and, $or).
  • Returns: The processed SQL condition string.


Converts simple operation conditions into SQL format.

  • Parameters:
    • condition: The condition to convert.
    • subOperator (optional): The sub-operator to use when combining multiple conditions.
  • Returns: The SQL condition string.


Example usage of the simpleOperationConditions module:

import { simpleOperationConditions } from "mysql-query-geniex";;
const condition = {
    field1: { '>': 10 },
    $and: {
        field2: { '<=': 20 },
        field3: { '=': 'value' }

const sqlCondition = simpleOperationConditions(condition);

This will output the SQL condition string based on the provided conditions.

This documentation provides a comprehensive explanation of the module's types, functions, and their usage, helping users understand how to utilize the simpleOperationConditions module effectively.

Pattern Condition GenerateSelect Query