Insert Query Generate

genQueryInsertSql Function

Generates a SQL INSERT query string based on the provided table, insert data, and optional date field.

  • table: string - The name of the table to insert data into.
  • insert_data: object - The data to insert into the table.
  • hasDate: boolean (optional, default: false) - Indicates whether to include the current timestamp for a date field.
  • date_field: string (optional) - The name of the date field.


  • table: string - The name of the table to insert data into.
  • insert_data: object - The data to insert into the table.
  • hasDate: boolean (optional, default: false) - Indicates whether to include the current timestamp for a date field.
  • date_field: string (optional) - The name of the date field.


  • string: The generated SQL INSERT query string.


const insertData = { name: 'John', age: 30 };
const query = genQueryInsertSql({ table: 'users', insert_data, hasDate: true, date_field: 'created_at' });
INSERT INTO users(name, age, created_at) VALUES('John', 30, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)

genQueryMultipleInsertSql Function

Generates a SQL INSERT query string for multiple records based on the provided table, insert data, and optional date field.

  • table: string - The name of the table to insert data into.
  • insert_data: Array<Record<string, any>> - An array of records containing data to insert into the table.
  • hasDate: boolean (optional, default: false) - Indicates whether to include the current timestamp for a date field.
  • date_field: string (optional) - The name of the date field.


  • table: string - The name of the table to insert data into.
  • insert_data: Array<Record<string, any>> - An array of records containing data to insert into the table.
  • hasDate: boolean (optional, default: false) - Indicates whether to include the current timestamp for a date field.
  • date_field: string (optional) - The name of the date field.


  • string: The generated SQL INSERT query string.


  • Error: Throws an error if the insert data array is empty.


const insertData = [
    { id: 1, name: 'John' },
    { id: 2, name: 'Doe' },
    { id: 3, name: 'Jane' }
const query = genQueryMultipleInsertSql({ table: 'users', insert_data, hasDate: true, date_field: 'created_at' });
INSERT INTO users(id, name, created_at) VALUES(1, 'John', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), (2, 'Doe', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), (3, 'Jane', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)

Select QueryUpdate Query