Update Query Generate

genQueryUpdateSql Function

Generates a SQL UPDATE query string based on the provided parameters.

  • table: The name of the table to update.
  • update_data: An object containing the data to update.
  • condition: The condition for updating the data.
function genQueryUpdateSql({
    table: string,
    update_data: Record<string, any>,
        condition: string
}): string


  • table: string - The name of the table to update.
  • update_data: Record<string, any> - An object containing the data to update.
  • condition: string - The condition for updating the data.


  • string: The generated SQL UPDATE query string.


const query = genQueryUpdateSql({
    table: 'users',
    update_data: { name: 'John', age: 30 },
    condition: 'id = 1'
// Output: 'UPDATE users SET name="John", age=30 WHERE id = 1'

Insert QuerySelect Query